Saturday, 30 November 2013

FlashTool_v5.1316.00_By GSM HOQUE Download Here By Test

MTK Feature Phone Flash Tool

Version Description

Win All 32/64

Release Note:

In this version, the USB Switch Tool has been updated. We can configure the USB Switch Tool. [Enable Rescue Mode=true] to switch device to the BROM USB com port. By default, the normal mode is enabled instead of rescue mode.

● MUST update: You must update FlashTool in order to prevent download error.
● Strongly recommend: We strongly recommend you to update the tool for getting more useful functionality.
New Features:
[MT6250/MT6260] Support Boot ROM USB download if the target flash is secure load.
[MT6260] Support MT6260 EFUSE Write function.
Bug Fix:
[MT6256] Fix the secure USB download fail in MT6256 platform.
[MT6280] Fix download security SW fail to flash.
[MT6280/MT6276M] Improve the USB Switch Tool for reducing the CPU consumption.
[MT6280/MT6276M] USB Switch Tool supports the rescue mode switch by the setting of USB Switch Tool.

[MT6252,MT6250] Provide the download function if the load setting is 128Kb virtual block.
Bug Fix:
[SV3 chips] Fix the bug about closing COM port delayed caused from abnormal protocol between PC side and target side
[MT6250] Provide the OTP function for dual serial flash platform, but tool only support to write the OTP region on the first flash.
[SV3 NOR Platform] Fix the partial download tool checking rule. User may encounter download fail if you only choose ROM file to download.
[MT6276] Fix Restore fail in the Backup/Download/Restore flow via UART cable

[MT6250] Support new platform MT6250 Download function
Bug Fix:
[All Chips] [BROM DLL] Fix the bug about auto-load MAUI bin function. User may encounter the error messages "Access violation at address 0x01234567 in module BROM. DLL. Read of address 0x0000000” showed when user is executing FlashTool exe.
[MT6252/MT6251][DA] Fix the bug about bootloader usb download fail in Giga Device memory.
[MT6276/MT6255][DA] Enhance the NFI v3 driver control for preventing the potential download problem.
[All chips] [BROM DLL] Add padding character if the remote file is odd characters in the remote file callback function.

[MT6256/MT6255] Support Download Without Battery Feature. User doesn't need battery for download stage. At first, user need to choose "USB Download Without Battery" in the UI options. Then only plug-in usb cable and press KCOL0 to trigger BootROM USB download.
[SV5 NAND project] Support EXT-Bootloader self-update feature. This feature allow user to update EXT-bootloader in Bootloader USB download flow.
[SV3 NOR project] Support Boot Certificate V2 feature.
Bug Fix:
[MT6276/MT6276M] Fix download fail issue caused from bad block management. The symptom is download fail error and the progress bar is stopped at 85%.
[MT6255 SPASION ADUMUX] Tool shows download fail at 65% progress.
Because tool costs a lot of time to wait SPASION flash program and erase, PC side and Target side handshare mechanism is insufficient that PC side timeout and report the download fail.
[SV3 NAND project] Check resource version instead of project ID between MAUI ROM and MBA resource ROM, if MAUI ROM contain resource version.

[SV5 NAND project] Solve the remark bad block defect happened in the NAND flash that the page size is 512B.
[MT6256] Fix the UART download fail in MT6256 ECO platform
[SV3 NAND project] Support to download bootloader which the size is bigger than two physical block size.

[MT6255] Support to download the new platform MT6255
Bug Fix:
[SV5 NAND project] Support to write raw data to MAUI Control Block Region(CBR).

[UI] When user develop the FalshTool UI, you may need environment by clicking TFTGauge_setting.bat under FlashTool UI source code setting if you encounter this error message.
"Class TFTGauge not found. Ignore the error and continue? NOTE: Ignoring the error may cause components to be deleted or property values to be lost.”
[DA] DA always force erase for the Micron serial flash in the erase operation.
Support Memory:
Add new flash: SF_GD25LQ128 and NAND_FM61D1G12A_5BGE

[SV5 Platform] Support customer parameter feature which download customized binary in CBR region.
[MT6252, MT6251] Support WINBOND OTP function
1) There are four security register banks(OTP) in WINBOND flash. The bank0 is Reserved by Winbond for future use. We only use bank1~bank3. One banks size is 0x100. User could directly use 0x0 to 0x300 address that the flashtool driver will direct these address from bank1 to bank3
2) The WINBOND flash unique feature is the security register banks are not One-Time-Program. That could be erase by specific command. In order to prevent format these regions, user must use "Lock" these regions in order to prevent data changed in security banks.
Bug fixes:
[MT6276] Fix the bug about Create CBR fail caused from bad block management method
[SV3 Platform] MMAA support 4 flash ID comparison.
Memory support:
Add new serial flash: SF_N25W064A11EF640F, SF_MX25U12835FZNI_10G and SF_MX25L12835EMI_10G.
Note: SV5 Platform: MT6251, MT6276. SV3 platform: other chips

1. [MT6276/MT6251/MT6276M][BROM DLL] Support access remote file path by customized callback function which setup in DL_SetCallback(). Please reference the slides: Flash tool-Remote download customization guide.ppt
Bug fixes:
1. [MT6235/MT6268] [DA] Fix the memory test bug about ram pattern test fail due to the wrong address setting
2. [MT6253/MT6238/MT6223/MT6921][BROM DLL][UI]Fix display the wrong progress bar (pre-format progress) in download MAUI stage. Because NOR platform doesn’t need to pre-format flash before download MAUI.The pre-forma process only be happened in serial-flash platform.
Structure modification:
Add pre-format callback function in FlashTool_Downloa_Arg, FLAHTOOL_DOWNLOAD_ARG structure.
Delete setup progress color callback function in FlashTool_Downloa_Arg, FLAHTOOL_DOWNLOAD_ARG structure.
3. [MT6276/MT6251/MT6276M][BROM DLL] Fix display the wrong progress bar (download MAUI progress) in download bootloader stage. Change the color of progress bar from blue to purple.
4. [MT6276M][META DLL] Fix the bug about popping wrong error message when user use "Upload" function.
Memory support:
Support new Serial flash memories: SF_GD25LQ64

1. [META DLL] Fix a bug regarding the "Restore Only" function
2. [META DLL] Support force to write file if the file already exist on the target
3. [BROM DLL] Fix the BROM DLL link error if users use the following API: Brom_StartCmd_Ex, Brom_Connect_Ex and FlashTool_Format_Ex
4. [BROM DLL] Fix the bug that user cannot load the MAUI load while the local directory path is too long
5. [UI] Display the real progress bar when users upload files
6. [DA] Fix the PCT serial flash geometry
Memory support:

1. FlashTool support the new chip: MT6276M Data Card and MT6921
Bug fixes:
1. [DA] Fix an issue regarding the secure usb download which formats the last block when flashtoolcfg is enabled
2. [UI] Fix the "UNKNOWN" bins error message when users re-start FlashTool
3. [UI] Enable the DUAL_MAC_DSP_BL when user chooses any of the bootloaders.
4. [DA] Fix the bootloader USB download error in WINBOUND flash
Memory support:

1. Support MXIC serial flash OTP mechanism
2. Support MT6276 FOTA feature
3. Support MT6251 Root Certificate mechanism

Bug fixes:
1. [DA] Support MT6251 partial download for MBA project
2. [DA] Fix NOR AMD OTP bug which caused program fail
3. [DA] Fix recovery range error which caused partial download fail
4. [DA] Fix MT6236 Memory Test

1. [FlashTool] Support to allocate MAUI bins in 4KB boundary address
2. [FlashTool] MT6276/MT6251 support format FAT via S-USBDL

Memory support:
1. [FlashTool] Support MT6251/MT6252 PCT serial flash

Password : Ashfaq Tawhid Rayan

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